Foreign students

The language barrier might make it difficult to learn, but it can be even more difficult to express what you have learned. Have you ever gone through a course knowing the material better than anyone in the class, but end up with a lower grade because of innocent grammatical mistakes? Proof XPress will help you earn the grade you deserve. The proper editing can make your paper sound professional and improve your ability to communicate your knowledge.


Graduate students

Competition and expectations are much higher for graduate students. Achieving the highest possible grade on every assignment becomes increasingly important because the difference between an A and a B plus reflects significantly on your GPA and your performance as a student. Proof XPress will help you get a competitive advantage by assuring that assignments reflect the time and knowledge you have invested on your papers. Don’t allow simple grammatical mistakes to affect your grade; instead earn the grade based on what you have learned.



Have you spent hours working on a term paper only to receive a lower grade because of grammatical, spelling or other writing mistakes? 

Writing often is used by others as a measure of how intelligent, professional and organized you are. Unlike verbal conversations in which you can elaborate, clarify or confirm your point, writing allows you only one chance. 

A paper that is not properly written can present a poor first impression or can be read multiple times leaving a lasting impression. Don’t let grammatical, spelling or writing mistakes give others the wrong idea about you. Let Proof XPress improve your writing.


Group projects

If you are working on a group project, this service is perfect for you. Group members typically have different writing styles, making your project sound choppy. With the proper editing from Proof XPress, your paper can flow more uniformly.

Proof XPress

You write it, we improve it.


Professional proofreading is a simple and affordable way to make your writing better. Regardless of how well you write, it’s almost impossible to effectively edit your own writing.

Proof XPress can help make your paper stand out. Whether it needs a simple read-through or some more in-depth editing, we can help. We will accept term papers, thesis papers, book reports … anything you write.

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We also accept professional projects such as annual reports, novels, press releases and more.

For information or a free estimate on these projects,

e-mail estimate